Join a national prayer and action movement to ignite a great spiritual awakening across America.

Prayer at the heart is a national movement of humble, unified, desperate, prayer and action
This is a movement of HOPE that reached millions in 2021/22 and is continuing to grow across states, counties and cities.
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. – 2 Chronicles 7:14”
It started in 2021 with thousands of Christians journeying to the geographic center of America, praying for people, and asking for God’s mercy and grace to be poured out on the land. In 2022, a tsunami wave of God’s presence is building across America as Christians journey to the center of every state and then in 2023 and 2024 to every county and every city. We’re asking and expecting the fruit to be 63M precious people to receive Jesus and for prayer to be at the heart of every Christ follower, family, church, community and workplace.
Following Jesus’ instructions in Luke 9 and 10 and 2 Chronicles 7:14, the strategy is for unity with Christians from all ‘tribes, tongues and ages,’ humbly traveling through the land praying and showing people the Kingdom of God with healing, acts of loving kindness and forgiveness.
It started in 2021 with thousands of Christians journeying to the geographic center of America, praying for people, and asking for God’s mercy and grace to be poured out on the land.
In 2022, Prayer at the Heart grew as Christians gathered at the geographic center of 13 states, asking God to rend the heavens and visit us with a great awakening.
A tsunami wave of God’s presence is building across America as more and more states and hundreds of counties and cities join the movement.
We’re asking God for 63M precious people to receive Jesus and for prayer to be at the heart of every Christian, family, church, community and workplace.
From 2023, we will follow Jesus’ instructions to ‘Go’ (Matthew 5:16, 28:19-20 and Luke 9:1-6 and Luke 10:1-18), thereby driving the darkness from the land. Undergirded by prayer and intercession, there are two key parts to the strategy:
- Unity – we humbly ask if we can link arms with every ‘tribe, tongue and age group; and’
- Mobilizing every Christian to take the love and light God has given them, to serve lost and broken people outside the four walls of our buildings through prayer, meeting physical needs and being a witness for Christ.
This is an on-going movement of hope, and individuals will be linked into the local church.
In 2023, we will do a special pilot in NE Ohio with hundreds of churches and thousands of Christians participating in 40 days of prayer, care and share, followed by a central gathering for thanksgiving, praise, worship and testimony.
2021 – National
Lebanon, Kansas
July 23rd, 2021
On July 23rd 2021, thousands of Christians journeyed across America, stopping to pray for individuals, towns and cities on the way, and gathering at the geographic center of America – Lebanon, Kansas.
2022 – States
April 9th, 2022
The first state to go in 2022 was Texas on April 9th – thousands of Christians gathered in Brady Texas to cry out to God for a Great Awakening. Symbolically, soil from all 254 counties and from Israel, was mixed together and given for every county representative to take home with them. The county representatives were commissioned and prayed for.
A group from Lubbock took 9 bags of soil home from Brady and went and buried the soil in 9 locations throughout the city. There are now reports that God is moving in miracles and salvations in different churches in the city!
2022 – States
April 9th, 2022
Brady, Texas
June 4th-5th, 2022
South Carolina
June 5th, 2022
Members of State Congress, a First Nations representative, children and families and many others all joined in to cry out to God to rend the heavens for a great awakening across America.
July 22nd, 2022
Hundreds gathered from all tribes, nations, tongues and ages for a solemn assembly. Desperate prayer and intercession took place for Michigan, with specific requests for key issues such as Human Trafficking. An 11 year old girl shared her testimony and when it came to the open mic at the end, she was the first one to respond! We believe children and young people will help to lead the approaching great awakening!
July 23rd, 2022
New Mexico
As hundreds gathered to pray, God answered the prayers for the land and there was a mighty deluge and it’s been raining ever since the PATH event! Several First Nations helped to lead the prayers and there was a powerful sense of God’s presence. There was a baptism and many were ouched by the Lord! Go to https://www.youtube.com/c/Christianbodynet/videos to view the event.
2023 – States, Counties and Cities
12 states and hundreds of counties are planning PATH events in 2023.
Get Involved
IT’S TIME! We encourage every Christian to mobilize outside the four walls of our buildings, to share God’s love and light with ‘lost and broken people’. Sign up to use what God has blessed you with to bless others.
What’s Happening in 2023
The Church is mobilizing to share God’s love and light in many states and hundreds of counties and cities across the nation.
Please prayerfully consider donating to help with the costs of Prayer at the Heart.
Prayer at the Heart Podcast
Listen & Subscribe to our Fast Growing Podcast
We Welcome ALL Christian Denominations
- 100 Nation Prayer Coalition
- America Prays
- Awakening America
- Awakening to God Ministries
- Billion Soul Harvest
- Billy Graham Evangelistic
- Association
- Christ Awakening
- Global Apostolic Network
- Global Presence
- Gloo
- International House of Prayer
- Intercessors for America
- Joy FM network of Christian Radio
- March for Jesus
- National Day of Prayer
- National Prayer Committee
- Harvest Prayer Ministries
- Project Pray
- Prayer Surge NOW!
- Rooftop Ministries
- Saint John Leadership Network
- Somebody Cares
- Strategic Leadership Prayer Network – SLPN
- African American Intercessors
- Transform USA & Many, Many More