Prayer at the Heart of Wisconsin
We’re calling the lovers of Jesus from all 72 counties of Wisconsin to come before God with humble, unified prayer. Our desire is to worship the Lord, sit at His feet, and ask Him to pour out His Spirit on Wisconsin. As Jesus is the center of each one of our hearts, we will lift up His name and enthrone Him with one voice and one heart cry from the center of Wisconsin. As we come together, with no agenda but to seek His face through worship and prayer, we will release a sound that brings revival and awakening, moving us FORWARD into this next season. We will have worship, coupled with prayer and intercession, led by teams we have gathered from around the state.
Vision for Prayer at the Heart of Wisconsin
Through a series of God encounters, we were led to hold our gathering in Dorchester, WI, which happens to be near one of the four corners of the world. We are calling believers of all generations, ethnic backgrounds, and denominations from all 72 counties of Wisconsin to join in this historic moment for our state. We are going before the Lord with humble, unified prayer, asking Him to forgive our sins, heal our land, and bring revival and awakening to our hearts. (2 Chronicles 7:14)
What to expect
Teams assembled from around the state will lead us in worship. We will have leaders facilitating times of prayer, decrees, and declarations. There will also be a time of “rapid fire” prayer, where people release a 15-30 second prayer over Wisconsin. We will have a time where we all take communion together, remembering what Jesus has done for us.
How can I help?
First and foremost is prayer. We believe that prayer is central to every detail that goes into this gathering. Pray for the leaders, that we would have wisdom on what the day should look like and how to best prepare. Pray that every logistical and financial need is taken care of. Pray for good weather on September 30th and October 1st. Pray that everyone who is supposed to come would hear the call of the Lord.
Get the word out. Tell your friends, family, and churches about this powerful and timely gathering.
The registration form and email list signup has an option to let us know you’d like to volunteer. Some areas of need include: parking, greeting, setup/teardown, cleanup, etc.
We are looking to raise $5,000 for the Prayer at the Heart of Wisconsin gathering. Visit for details on ways to give.