Sowing For Awakening
Matthew 9:37-38 ESV
Prayer at the Heart is partnering with the Ignite Movement National Summit – July 25th – 27th.
A gathering for collegiate & young adult communities and movements who are longing for revival and renewal on their campuses and in their cities.
A true spiritual awakening is recognized by the work of God among people. He graciously invites us to take part in rejuvenating our cities and campuses. We cannot create an awakening, but we can sow into it. The elements that precede historical revival and spiritual awakening are often subtle and unimpressive to the average observer. When one person or a small group consecrates themselves to the Lord, engages in confession and repentance, practices secret fasting, sheds tears for the lost in our communities, holds consistent prayer meetings, and renews their passion for evangelism, they are sowing the seeds of awakening.
This summer, the National Summit is encouraging young people to invest in the purposes of God for their generation, and we will be covering them in prayer.